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Context & Team

Game made for the GMTK 2024 Game Jam

Theme : Built To Scale
Time : 96 hours
Engine : Unity

Émile Desjardins : Game Design
Xavier Morin : Programming
Luan Meiyi : Programming
Louis A. Duval : Art
Victor Bélanger : Sound Design & Music


The game

Tetris with a twist!

Manage two grids on a scale and use bombs to clear rows or teleport falling blocks between grids

 Keep both grids balanced and avoid tipping the scale.

My role

As as game designer on this project my tasks were :


  • Create design documents to keep our ideas, game mechanics and workflow organized

  • ​ Help design and integrate game mechanics to our project

  • Balance (pun intended) and tune our game by testing and adjusting variables like the speed of falling blocks, the blocks' weight and the height of the scale

  • Contributed to creating features that enhance visual clarity, such as:

    • Indicators for block placement

    • A dial showing the scale's weight

    • Warnings for when the scale is about to tip and cause a loss​

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